Teacher's A+ Lollipop Bouquet

Teacher's A+ Lollipop Bouquet Reviews

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Teacher's A+ Lollipop Bouquet Feature

  • Makes a great gift for that special teacher!
  • Comes in a coffee mug that the recipient is sure to cherish.
We love our teachers and what better way to tell them than with handmade, hard candy lollipops! This adorable teachers mug is filled with nine education related lollipops. The fun flavors include lemon, marshmallow, wild cherry and watermelon. This is sure to be a hit and get grade A approval!Great gift idea for end of year teacher gifts, teacher appreciation week, office staff, centerpieces for teacher luncheons, gifts to graduating teachers, or as an anytime of year gift idea.

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Sep 11, 2011 07:45:04


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